September 22, 2023

Embrace Fall Changes

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We’re probably all thinking it, so I’ll just say it. Where did the summer go and how is it almost October already?  Or maybe you’re relieved because the summer has been too hot, and kids are going back to school. No matter how you feel about the ending of summer, it usually ushers in a season of change for many of us.

Like all seasons, fall is marked by profound changes in nature. As the temperature drops, the leaves transform to rich colors of red, orange, and yellow reminding us that while change can be difficult, it can also be really beautiful. Biblically, fall ushers in a time of harvest and thanksgiving.

And just as fall ushers in changes in nature, it can also bring changes in our lives. What changes are you experiencing right now?  Changes at work, in ministry, in your home life, your spiritual life, or in your health?  Change can be exciting, but sometimes it can be really hard and overwhelming.  Let’s consider several ways we may need to consider changing during this season.  

  1. What is it time for you to shed, to let go of? There may be unhealthy thought patterns, activities or routines that we need to shed, just like those fall leaves.  Examples may include negative thinking, worrying, or spending too much time on social media. If you’re like me, you might want to shed a few pounds!  Spend some time writing down what you need to change. For me, I spend time in prayer asking God, what He wants to change in me.  Let’s try to understand what’s getting in the way of us being all who we were created to be.  Some great questions to ask ourselves:  What do I need to stop doing to have more time for the things that really matter?  What negative thoughts do I need to let go of, and how do I embrace what’s true?  

  1. What do you need to embrace?  Once we shed those leaves, we make room for the new thing that God is calling us to.  It may be to take care of our physical bodies by eating better, exercising or getting more sleep.  Or it may be spending more time with our friends and family.  Is there a hobby or skill that you always wanted to learn but never had the time?  Maybe it’s time to pursue that degree, or new business idea or take a class.  This is a season for embracing things that will change and renew us.  

Whatever changes you decide to let go of or embrace, I hope that you continue to grow and learn from them. Just as a butterfly sheds its cocoon, there’s a beautiful, amazing new you waiting to emerge!

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